Journals Addressing Religion in Contemporary Art


The journals included here are, in one way or another, consciously and significantly addressing the relation between contemporary art and religion (and/or related topics of God, transcendence, spirituality, the sacred, the holy, etc.). This list includes only publications that regularly (though not exclusively) feature visual arts—i.e., many good journals that are primarily focused on religion and literature, poetry, music, or architecture are not included here. This list also includes only publications that regularly (though not exclusively) feature modern and contemporary art, of the sort that circulates through the “art world” contexts that are the focus of The Invisibility of Religion in Contemporary Art (University of Notre Dame Press, 2025)—i.e., many good journals that are primarily focused on art intended for sacred spaces and ecclesial contexts (stained glass, liturgical art, etc.) are not included here. These journals are listed in alphabetical order, including total years of publication and (where applicable) the publishing institution.

Following this list, I have also included a list of special issues devoted to the topic of art and religion (or spirituality, etc.) in other journals. Since these are date-specific, they are listed in descending chronological order.

*This list is ongoing and occasionally updated. If you spot any inaccuracies, or if you would like to suggest additional entries, please contact me to make a suggestion.


Art and Christianity (1994– ), published by Art and Christianity, formerly Art and Christianity Enquiry

ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies (1988–2019), published by SARTS Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies

Ars Judaica (2005– ), published by Bar-Ilan University

BART: Kunst, Geist und Gegenwart (2018– ), formerly BART: Magazin für Kunst und Gott (2011–2017), published by BART Magazin

The Curator (2008–2023), published online by The Curator, formerly published by International Arts Movement

Faith & Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art and Architecture (1968–2019), published by Faith & Form

Image: Art, Faith, Mystery (1989– ), published by the Center for Religious Humanism

Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture (2007– ), published by Brill

Imaginatio et Ratio: A Journal of Theology and the Arts (2012­–2014), published by Wipf & Stock

Islamic Arts Magazine (2010– ), published online by Monolit Association for promoting Islamic Arts

Jewish Art (1986–1998), formerly Journal of Jewish Art (1974–1985), published by Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Kunst und Kirche: Magazin für Kritik, Ästhetik und Religion (2007– ), published by Medecco Holding GmbH/Springer, formerly Kunst und Kirche: Ökumenische Zeitschrift für Architektur und Kunst (1971–2007), published by Das Beispiel GmbH, Darmstadt and Gerhard Mohn, Gütersloh

Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief (2005– ), published by Taylor & Francis

MONK: Art and the Soul—An Imaginarium (2018– ), published by Monk

Nafas Art Magazine (2007–2018), formerly Contemporary Art from the Islamic World (2003–2007), published online by Universes in Universe and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

The Other Journal: An Intersection of Theology and Culture (2003– ), published by The Seattle School of Theology and Spirituality

Religion and the Arts (1996– ), published by Brill

SEEN (2000–2023), published by CIVA Christians in the Visual Arts

Tà katoptrizómena (τὰ κατοπτριζόμενα): Magazin für Kunst, Kultur, Theologie und Ästhetik (1999– ), published online by

Theopoetics: A Journal of Theological Imagination, Literature, Embodiment, and Aesthetics (2014–2016), published online by ARC Arts, Religion, and Culture

Transfiguration: Nordic Journal of Religion and the Arts (2009–2017), formerly Transfiguration: Nordic Journal of Christianity and the Arts (1999–2008), published by Museum Tusculanum Press and University of Copenhagen

Transpositions: Theology, Imagination and the Arts (2014– ), published online by the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts, University of St Andrews

Urthona Journal of Buddhism and the Arts (1992– ), published by Urthona Magazine

Special issues addressing this topic in journals other than those listed above


“The Religion Issue,” ed. Sarah Douglas, Art in America 110, no. 9 (Dec 2022).

“Conceptual Art and Theology” special issue, ed. Taylor Worley, Religions 13–14 (2022),


“Are All Artists Mystics?” special issue, ed. Christian K. Kleinbub, The Brooklyn Rail (Jul–Aug 2021).


“Spirituality” special issue, ed. Wolfgang Tillmans, Aperture 237 (Winter 2019).

“Religion and Art: Rethinking Aesthetic and Auratic Experiences in ‘Post-Secular’ Times” special issue, ed. Davor Džalto, Religions 10 (2019).


“New New Age” special issue, Kaleidoscope 33 (Fall–Winter 2018–19).


“New Religious Movements and the Visual Arts” special issue, ed. Massimo Introvigne, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions 19, no. 4 (May 2016).


“Contemporary Art and Religion” special issue, ed. Loren Lerner, Journal of Canadian Art History / Annales d’histoire de l’art canadien 33, no. 2 (2012).


“Religion and Spirituality” special issue, ed. Dan Fox, Frieze 135 (Nov–Dec 2010).


“The Power of Images” special issue, ed. Charles Pickstone, The Month 32, no. 7 (Jul 1999).


“Art & the Spirit” special issue, Artlink: Australian Contemporary Art Quarterly 18, no. 1 (Mar 1998).

“Focus on the Sublime” special issue, ed. Keith Patrick, Contemporary Visual Arts 19 (1998).


“The Contemporary Sublime: Sensibilities of Transcendence and Shock” special issue, ed. Paul Crowther, Art and Design 40, no. 1–2 (1995).


“Sacred Imagination: The Arts and Theological Education” special issue, ed. Wilson Yates, Theological Education 31, no. 1 (Autumn 1994).


“Religion” special issue, ed. Joseph Masheck, New Observations 73 (Jan–Feb 1990).


“Abstract Art and the Rediscovery of the Spiritual” special issue, ed. Andreas C. Papadakis, Art and Design 3, no. 5–6 (1987).

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