Jonathan A. Anderson, The Invisibility of Religion in Contemporary Art (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2025).

Jonathan A. Anderson and William A. Dyrness, Modern Art and the Life of a Culture: The Religious Impulses of Modernism (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2016).

→ 2017 Book of the Year Award of Merit for Culture and the Arts, Christianity Today
→ Top Ten Books of 2016, Image journal
→ 2019 A+C Book Award shortlist, Art and Christianity 

Read published Reviews of this book

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Modern Art,” in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021):

James Elkins and Jonathan A. Anderson, “The Strange Persistence of Religion in Contemporary Art,” Image 110 (Fall 2021): 48–62.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Thinking with Christianity: A Grammar of Doubt and Belief in Contemporary Art,” in Theology, Modernity, and the Visual Arts, ed. Ben Quash and Chloë Reddaway (Turnhout: Brepols, 2024), 3–17.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “The New Visibility of Religion in Contemporary Art: Four Interpretive Horizons,” in Religion and Contemporary Art: A Curious Accord, ed. Ronald R. Bernier and Rachel Hostetter Smith (New York: Routledge, 2023), 21–36.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “The Outpouring Spirit: A Visual Theology of Pentecost,” in Naming the Spirit: Pneumatology through the Arts, ed. W. David O. Taylor and Daniel Train (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2025), 30–49.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Medium in Transformation: Sermons, Video Recordings, and Arthur Jafa’s akingdoncomethas,” in Art-Making as Spiritual Practice: Rituals of Embodied Understanding, ed. Lexi Eikelboom and David Newheiser (London: Bloomsbury, 2025), 79–90.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Conceptual Art, Theology, and Re-Presentation,” Religions 13, no. 10 (2022): 984 (14 pages),

Jonathan A. Anderson, “The (In)visibility of Theology in Contemporary Art Criticism,” in Christian Scholarship in the Twenty-First Century: Prospects and Perils, ed. Thomas M. Crisp, Steve L. Porter, Gregg Ten Elshof (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014), 53–79.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Contingency and Faithfulness: Francis Alÿs and the (Re)presentation of St. Fabiola,” Religion and the Arts 18, no. 1–2 (2014): 269–289.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Silence in an Age of Mass Media: John Cage and the Art of Living,” ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies 28, no. 2 (2017): 29–37.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Bin Bag Visions: Theological Horizons in Maciej Urbanek’s HS,” in Transforming Christian Thought in the Visual Arts: Theology, Aesthetics, and Practice, ed. Sheona Beaumont and Madeleine Emerald Thiele (London: Routledge, 2021), 179–196.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “The Hereafter in Contemporary Art,” and “Kris Martin,” in Here After, ed. Cara Megan Lewis, Linnéa Gabriella Spransy Neuss, Vicki Phung Smith, and Meaghan K. Ritchey, exhibition catalog (Los Angeles: Bridge Projects, 2022), 136–143, 163.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Grids, Nets, and the Unspeakable: Dan Callis’s Stations: Resurgam,” exhibition catalog essay, republished online at Bridge Projects (2023).

Jonathan A. Anderson, “10 for 2020: Ten Contemporary Artworks from the 2010s,” The Curator Magazine (Jan 3, 2020).

Jonathan A. Anderson, review of Fragments of a Crucifixion exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Art & Christianity 99 (Autumn 2019): 11–12.

Jonathan A. Anderson, review of No Idols: A Missing Theology of Art by Thomas Crow, Art & Christianity 94 (Summer 2018): 13.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “An Inverted Truth,” review of Rachel Whiteread exhibition at Tate Britain, Art & Christianity 92 (Winter 2017): 2–4.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Ecclesiastes 1:1-12: Vanity of Vanities,” The Visual Commentary on Scripture, ed. Ben Quash (London: King's College London, 2018–ongoing).

Jonathan A. Anderson, “North America: Visual Arts,” in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 21, ed. Constance M. Furey, Joel LeMon, Brian Matz, Thomas Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, and Eric Ziolkowski (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023), 842–846.

Jonathan A. Anderson, “On the Strange Place of Religious Writing in Contemporary Art,” in Contemporary Art and the Church: A Conversation between Two Worlds, ed. W. David O. Taylor and Taylor Worley (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2017), 37–46.

Read a published Review of this book

Jonathan A. Anderson, “Suspending Disbelief: Wim Botha’s Crucifix,” SEEN 14, no.1, Unsettled Ground issue (Spring 2014): 22–24.