“In/dwellings,” artist talk in conjunction with the solo exhibition In/dwellings, Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Jan 27


“The (In)visibility of Theology in Contemporary Art,” Regent Forum, Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Feb 26

“Abstract Art and the Ordering of Life,” Why Should Christians Care About Abstract Art?, with Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt and Wesley Vander Lugt, Gordon-Conwell Seminary, Charlotte, NC [online], Feb 22


“Healing Journey: Art of Patricia June Vickers,” moderated by Jonathan Anderson, with panelists Patricia June Vickers, Bradley Clements, and Mo Hickman, in conjunction with the exhibition Healing Journey: Art of Patricia June Vickers, Dal Schindell Gallery, Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Nov 7

“The Problems and Possibilities of Visual Theology: The Ascension as a Case Study,” Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC, Apr 13

“Visual Art, Modernity, and God: Listening and Looking with Jeremy Begbie,” 2023 Society for Christian Scholarship in Music conference, Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC, Mar 3

“The Problems and Possibilities of Visual Theology: The Ascension as a Case Study,” Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Mar 1


“Abstraction in Contemporary Art,” moderated by Jonathan Anderson, with panelists Jennifer R. Gross, Carl Berg, Linnéa Gabriella Spransy, and Christine Turner, in conjunction with the exhibition Making a Mark: Abstraction in the Ahmanson Collection, Ahmanson Art Gallery, Irvine, CA, Oct 29

“Rituals of Transformation: Sermons, Recordings, and Arthur Jafa’s akingdoncomethas,” paper presented to the “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Art and Ritual” colloquium, chaired by Lexi Eikelboom and David Newheiser; Australian Catholic University (Villa Maria campus), Rome, Italy, Oct 11

The New Visibility of Religion in Contemporary Art,” Ahmanson salon, Fieldstead & Co., Irvine, CA, Sep 17

The Hereafter in Contemporary Art: A Conversation between Thomas E. Crow and Jonathan A. Anderson,” Bridge Projects, Los Angeles, CA [online], Jul 23 (video>>)

Andrea Büttner in Conversation with Jonathan Anderson, 2022 Theology, Modernity, and the Visual Arts symposium, Bode Museum, Berlin, Germany, Jun 8

“Trees of Virtue and Vice,” Goodson Chapel, Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC, Mar 16

Art, Mysticism, and a New Apophasis,” session chaired by Ronald Bernier and Jonathan Anderson, 2022 CAA conference, ASCHA Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art session, Chicago, IL [online], Feb 18


“The Irreducibility of Visual-Spatial Understanding,” paper presented to “The Art of Understanding and the Heresy of Paraphrase” colloquium, chaired by James K.A. Smith; George Washington University, Washington, DC, Dec 1–2

“Why Beauty Matters in Times of Crisis,” moderated by Luke Aleckson, with panelists Roberta Ahmanson, Alastair Gordon, Jasmine McNeil, and Jonathan Anderson; Center for Christianity, Culture, and the Arts, Biola University, La Mirada, CA, Sep 17

Andrea Büttner and The Little Way,” Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, CA [online], Jun 10 (video>>)

“Robert Rauschenberg’s Untitled Body of Christ,” paper presented in “Foregrounding Form: Interdisciplinary Conversation,” Religion and Theology Seminar, chaired by Lexi Eikelboom and Jack Norman, with panelists Fr Olivier-Thomas Venard (École Biblique, Jerusalem), Carmody Grey (Durham University), Lacey Jones (Yale University), and Jonathan Anderson (Duke University); Institute for Religion & Critical Inquiry, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia [online], Apr 1

“Contemporary Artists in Religious Spaces,” session chaired by Jonathan Anderson and James Romaine, 2021 CAA conference, ASCHA Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art session, New York, NY [online], Feb 13


“Interactions between Judaism and Christianity in the History of Art,” session chaired by Jonathan Anderson and Aaron Rosen, 2020 CAA conference, ASCHA Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art session, Chicago, IL, Feb 12

Religion in an Age of Mass Media: Andy Warhol’s Catholicism,” lecture and exhibition tour of Andy Warhol: Revelation, sponsored by the Beatrice Institute, The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, Jan 25 (video>>)


Jesse Darling in Conversation with Jonathan A. Anderson: The Legend of St. Ursula,” featured artist conversation in conjunction with the exhibition Transcorporealities, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany, Oct 22

Altared Art Histories: Theology and Contemporary Art Writing,” DITA10 Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts conference, Emerging Scholars Colloquium, Duke University, Durham, NC, Sep 7

The (In)visibility of Theology in Contemporary Art,” Sacred Traditions and the Arts seminar, jointly sponsored by The Courtauld Institute of Art and King’s College London, London, UK, Jun 26

“Poverty and Grace in the Artworks of Andrea Büttner,” 2019 SST Society for the Study of Theology conference, Theology and the Arts seminar session, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Apr 9

“Making Sense of Assemblage,” moderated by Jonathan Anderson, with panelists Diedrick Brackens, Mandy Kahn, Barry Krammes, Cara Megan Lewis, and Scott Timberg, in conjunction with the exhibition In Quest of Beauty: Assemblage in the Ahmanson Collection, Ahmanson Art Gallery, Irvine, CA, Mar 30


“The Return of Religion in Contemporary Art,” Gordon College (Orvieto campus), Orvieto, Italy, Nov 1

“A Meditation on Maciej Urbanek’s HS,” with panelists Maciej Urbanek, Bishop Martin Warner, and Jonathan Anderson, 2018 Visual Theology conference: Visual Theology I: Transformative Looking Between the Visual Arts and Christian Doctrine, 1850–­Now, Bishop’s Palace at Chichester Cathedral, Chichester, UK, Oct 19–20

“The Return of Religion in Contemporary Art,” Morphē Arts, London, UK, Oct 1

“Surviving Frames and Grammars,” 2018 Theology, Modernity, and the Visual Arts symposium: “Art with Christianity,” Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK, Jul 4–5

“The Return of Religion in Contemporary Art Criticism,” 2018 Gunton Day lectures, King’s College London, London, UK, May 2

The Retrieval of Theology in the Artwork of Kris Martin,” 2018 AAH Association for Art History conference, Art and Religion session, The Courtauld Institute of Art and King’s College London, London, UK, Apr 6


Postsecularity and the Return of Religion in Contemporary Art Criticism,” keynote presentation, ASCHA Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art annual symposium: A Strange Place Still?: Religion in Contemporary Art, Union League Club, New York, NY (video>>)

Art in a Postsecular Age, 12th annual Biola Arts Symposium, moderated by Jonathan Anderson, featuring James Elkins, Sally Promey, Matthew Milliner, Jeffrey Kosky, Lori Branch, Edgar Arceneaux, Amanda Hamilton, and Stuart Krimko; Center for Christianity, Culture, and the Arts, Biola University, La Mirada, CA

Modern Art and the Life of a Culture,” L’Abri, Greatham, UK (audio>>)

“The Retrieval of Theology in the Artwork of Kris Martin,” 2017 biennial CIVA conference, Theology and the Visual Arts scholars track, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA

“Beauty and Contemporary Art,” Hildebrand Project 7th annual summer seminar: Retrieving Beauty, Franciscan University of Stubenville, Stubenville, OH

Conversation with Krista Tippett, Biola University, La Mirada, CA

Conversations with Alissa Wilkinson, Ben Schachter, and Wayne Adams, New York, NY

“Modern Art and the Life of a Culture,” Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA

“Modern Art and the Life of a Culture,” St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Newport Beach, CA


Panel review of Modern Art and the Life of a Culture, with panelists Ben Quash, Kim Vrudny, Taylor Worley, Christina Carnes Ananias, William Dyrness, and Jonathan Anderson, AAR American Academy of Religion conference, SARTS Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies session, San Antonio, TX

Panel review of Modern Art and the Life of a Culture, ETS Evangelical Theological Society conference, San Antonio, TX

“Modern Art and the Life of a Culture,” interview on Anglican Review with Michael Porter podcast

Works of Love: Kierkegaard, Visual Culture, and Contemporary Art,” CCT Table Conference: Love and Humility in Politics, Center for Christian Thought, Biola University, La Mirada, CA (video>>)

“Visual Theology in a Global Context,” Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA

“Lessons from South Africa: Images of Jesus and the Way of the Cross,” Asbury University, Wilmore, KY

“Between the Shadow and the Light,” panel discussion, Bethel University, Minneapolis, MN

Always You were Calling Me: A Meditation on Terrence Malick’s Tree of Life,” Torrey Honors lecture series, Biola University, La Mirada, CA; featured on TheFilmStage.com (video>>)


“Hugo Ball and the Theology of Zurich Dada,” 2015 biennial CIVA conference, Theology and the Visual Arts scholars track, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI

“Centered Sets: Rethinking the Conversation between Contemporary Art and the Church,” plenary session response to Wayne Roosa, 2015 biennial CIVA conference: Between Two Worlds: Contemporary Art and the Church, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI

“Conceptualism and Painting,” California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA

“The Intersection of Art, Theology, and Politics in South Africa,” presentation and discussion with Katrina Greene, Biola University, La Mirada, CA


“Contemporary Art and the Return of Religion,” conversation with Matthew Milliner; Center for Christianity, Culture, and the Arts, Biola University, La Mirada, CA


“Singing Bodies: Musical Theology in the work of contemporary artist Tim Hawkinson,” 2013 Forum on Music and Christian Scholarship Conference, Yale Institute of Sacred Music, New Haven, CT

Violence and Peace in Contemporary Art,” 8th annual Biola Arts Symposium, moderated by Jonathan Anderson, featuring David Bentley Hart, Anne Wilkes Tucker, Bobette Buster, and Lia Chavez; Biola University, La Mirada, CA (video>>)

“Art as Ethical and Eschatological Action,” Making Good: Creation, the Arts, and the Kingdom symposium, featuring Trevor Hart, William Dyrness, Matt Jenson, Melissa Schubert, Robert Denham, Doug Huffman, Amy Cannon, and Jonathan Anderson; Biola University, La Mirada, CA

“Understanding Abstract Expressionism (and its Disputed Significance),” View From the Edge lecture series, Downey Arts Coalition and the Downey Art Museum, Apollo Park, Downey, CA


The (In)visibility of Theology in Contemporary Art Criticism,” 2012 Center for Christian Thought Conference: Christian Scholarship in the 21st century: Prospects and Perils, featuring Nicholas Wolterstorff, Alvin Plantinga, George Hunsinger, Amos Yong, Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Paul Moser, Craig Slane, Dariusz M. Bryćko, Brad Christerson, Natasha Duquette, and Jonathan Anderson; Biola University, La Mirada, CA (video>>)

“Contingency and Faithfulness: Francis Alÿs and the (Re)presentation of St. Fabiola,” 2012 ASCHA Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art annual symposium: Christianity and Latin American Art: Apprehension, Appropriation, Assimilation, in conjunction with 2012 CAA conference; Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, CA


Contemporary Art Trends, full semester lecture course, Biola University (videos>>)

“Rift: A Meditation on Representational Painting,” California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA


“Constructions,” George Fox University, Newberg, OR

“Impasse: A Meditation on Representational Painting,” in conjunction with solo exhibition Impasse, Biola University, La Mirada, CA

“Is the B-I-B-L-E Making a Comeback in Popular Art?: Religious Belief and Contemporary Art,” produced by Barak Wright, with panelists James Elkins, Ena Heller, and Jonathan Anderson, The Sandbox Monthly podcast

“Spatial Thinking: An Introduction to Art History,” Wheatstone Academy, La Mirada, CA


“Groundings: A Meditation on Representational Painting,” in conjunction with solo exhibition Groundings, The 930 Art Gallery, Louisville, KY

“Impasse: A Meditation on Representational Painting,” Western Region Conference on Christianity & Literature: Fire and Ice: Literary Paradox and the Search for Truth, Biola University, La Mirada, CA

“On the Strange Place of Religion in Contemporary Art,” moderated by Jonathan Anderson, with panelists James Elkins, Karen Kleinfelder, Daniel Siedell, Rachel Hostetter Smith, Roger Feldman, and Christina Valentine; Biola University, La Mirada, CA